Friday, April 2, 2010

Shennanigans. it's been long enough...

ok. not that many people read this damn thing, but I've decided that I need to pick up the much needed slack and get this blog rolling again. All I need is a camera now so I can update you guys with pictures. This spring/summer should be interesting and fun. Can't wait. See yall soon.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

bike update part one million....

She's done...

Memorial Day Weekend

Veterans...we salute you. Thank you

Here some shots from this weekend...Uncle Sean, Hooper and I rolled out to a little honky tonk hole in the wall bar called "The Rambling Rose" pretty laid back joint..nice ride out there

Met up with some friends for Garrett's bday and woke up the nxt morning for an awesome breakfast

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Friday, May 15, 2009

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Guapo Warehouse

Here's a few pics from the Guapo warehouse courtesy of Jordan Fraker.

I met Jordan abour 5 years ago and all of a sudden see him at the Guapo warehouse...It took me a minute to realize it was him but when I did it took no time to say hello and talk about old times. Hes a super cool guy. Takes amazing pictures... check out
Thanks Jordan

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Mods vs. Rockers (sunday)

I didnt see as many bikes this year but still a good turnout. here's a few pics from sunday.

Dad's Bday

Troy Duncan is full of shit. He said it was going to rain but it turned out to be a wonderful day. Bouncy house, family, good food, dancing, cake, and could you go wrong with that? Ive never seen my dad happier. It's nice to have him smile. The man works too hard to not have a good bday

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

grip slice

I like slicin and dicin...

Friday, March 6, 2009

Happy Birfday Mr. Juanathon Smith

WOW...they grow up so fast. One minute you're changing their diapers, then before you know it...erh...wait, what I meant to say was, I can't believe you're already 21 Jon. It seemed like only yesterday we were talking about how I would be retired by the time you turned 21. I remember meeting Jon at the Grapevine mills skatepark back in circa 2001. Ever since I met him I knew he was a kind kid with a good head on his shoulders and he hasn't dissapointed me at all. One of, if not the nicest person I have ever met. Always has a great vibe even when he's upset. Puts a smile on my face when I see him and is a bad ass skateboarder. I love him like I love my little brother. Hope you have a great birthday kid, I work tonight...stop by, I'll buy you a few drinks.

Stefan and Jon sharing a part in Fetal Expressions

Irving Skatepark part Deux

I used to hate this park but now the more that I go there its not so bad. PLus a flask of Jameson helps out a lot to calm my jitterness and anti-social anxiety. There were a lot of people at first but it cleared out soon enough. I ran into some cats that just moved here from Wisskhansin (Wisconsin) Pretty cool guys. Fun to skate with. Made it more tolerable in a park full of suburban thugs and little shits on razor scooters and bikes. I never understood why people, that clearly don't know how to skate or ride ramps on any kind of 2 or 4 wheeled toy, would come to a park and just take up room and do absolutely shit but get in everyones way...boggles my mind. I know I know, world doesn't revolve around me and it is a "public skatepark" but c'mon gimme a break.
Speaking up breaks...Some kid that always goes up there broke his ankle trying to skate. Ive been there before so i feel for him, but don't skate if you don't know how to. I know accidents happen but I mean, I think martial arts are cool but I aint gonna go try and kick Jet Lee's ass and a baker wouldn't try to perform surgery on a person. It's common sense shit, don't do something you don't how to do. Set youre an asshole is probably what your thinking...but you already knew that.
I think Im gonna stick to morning sessions with my friends